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5. What conversions should you track
As well as being the world’s largest social networking platform, Facebook also dominates online advertising space. The social media giant has paved the way to connect, engage, and convert your audience into customers.
Facebook advertising has now proven itself to be a major player when it comes to growing your business online. They continually develop the way you can effectively engage with your audience, generate leads, create loyal customers, and increase revenue.
As opposed to other advertising options, Facebook is known for being user friendly, having a transparent ROI and flexible budget, all while boasting more than a billion daily active users.
Even without their paid advertising tools, marketers can break through the market with their organic reach, although you may need a jumpstart with their pay-to-play approach.
As they advance through modern tech, their algorithm gets smarter overtime, allowing more businesses to flourish through more effective campaigns.
There’s a number of factors that influence the cost of advertising on Facebook. But from a business’ ROI perspective, put simply, you’ll never spend more than you have to spend. Say you set an amount of £5 a day, Facebook Ads will never exceed that amount in a single day of advertising. So, you haven’t got to worry about blowing your year’s budget in a week.
Although there’s no straight and fast rule to determine the actual cost of advertising on Facebook, there are several benchmarks which can serve as reference points for every business’ consideration.
Organic reach on Facebook has dramatically reduced. Instead, they opt to showcase more personal content and less public content from businesses, media, and brands. Today, Facebook’s algorithm highlights the importance of paid ads if you want to reach your target audience.
But ad spend doesn’t always equate to online success. Though it pays to have a bigger ad spend, you’ll still struggle if you can’t reach your ideal customers.
Here’s where targeting drives desired results.
Targeting the right audience together with the right message is the key to your business’ online success. The ultimate measure of your ad value is when your conversion rate is at its peak while your cost per acquisition is at its lowest. This can ultimately be achieved through effective Facebook targeting.
Here’s how you can do it:
As a business owner, it can be overwhelming when you come across Facebook advertising and the features that go along with it. In fact, they offer more than 1,300 targeting options, 15 objectives, and up to 6 main ad formats.
To keep things simple, Facebook ads fall into three main categories: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.
Main goals are focused on 4 categories: Brand Awareness, Generate Leads, Customer Service, and Drive Traffic.
While it can be daunting not knowing where and how to start, there are several types of campaigns that have proven to be effective regardless of your business structure.
Traffic and Leads
One of the most common purposes of advertising on Facebook is to drive traffic to your website or page. This traffic then generates leads which you can ultimately convert into customers.
Likes and Engagement
Depending on your business goals, the type of Facebook ad you utilise will aim to help you achieve your current objectives to meet those goals. Using campaigns that increases your page likes and engagement rates is a great way to connect with the community you’ve built.
Sales Ads
An ecommerce store or any business that offers their products and services through an online system works best with Sales Ads. Here, you can offer, promote, and even invite your audience to check out a range of products in a single ad.
What is it?
The Facebook Pixel is the code that’s placed in your website which monitors your visitors’ activities, optimises your ads, retargets those who have visited your website and builds targeted audiences. Put simply, the Facebook Pixel is what makes your ads effective.
Once your website visitors have been exposed to your ads, their behaviour can be tracked if they return to your website or to Facebook. This allows you to create highly relevant ads for your target audience.
Why you should use it
With the Facebook pixel, you can gather data that helps you create better Facebook ads. Additionally, it offers more opportunities to target your audience with relevance and accuracy.
Ads run effectively with the help of your pixel. By tracking vital information, this allows you to track website activities, reach new and existing customers, and improve your return on advertising.
How to set up a Facebook pixel
The greatest feature of the Facebook pixel is the simplicity of setting it up. In fact, you won’t need any coding or web development skills to do it.
To set up your Facebook pixel, simply follow these steps:
Tips for using the Facebook pixel
To have successful Facebook ads, you need to set up your conversion tracking. This is a crucial factor to running optimised and effective ads. Aside from tracking your ROI, it also promotes an increase in revenue from your Facebook ads.
Why use conversion tracking
Conversion tracking means you can measure the return on your investments. Whether they’re from registrations, sales, form completions, or other actions, tracking them is crucial for running your campaigns.
Additionally, it helps you keep tabs on the performance of your A/B tests to develop the most effective campaigns. When it comes to your ads, you need to make sure that they’re data driven, so you can measure the results of each campaign.
Lastly, conversion tracking helps Facebook align their algorithm for your campaigns. This allows your ads to have better results. Facebook learns more about the people you are targeting, which helps them show your ads to a more relevant audience.
There are two types of Facebook conversions: custom conversions and standard events.
Custom conversions
Custom conversions are the simplest method to start your conversion tracking. This method of tracking doesn’t require additional changes to your Facebook pixel once it’s installed. You simply need to specify the URL of your ‘post-conversion’ page, enter the values, and you’ll be able to gather the data.
The ‘post-conversion page’ is the page people visit after they convert. This can be your thank you page or your order confirmation page. For each custom conversion, you can specify a conversion value to track and monitor the data. Once the conversion is recorded, Facebook then assigns the value to your custom event.
Facebook makes it easier for you to track your campaigns ROI by allowing you to assign values to your conversion events. With your conversion values set up, you’re able to see the budget you’ve spent, the number of conversions, and the values of those conversions.
Facebook Standard Events
The other method for conversion tracking is through Facebook Standard events. While the first method is as simple as setting conversion values, this method is much more complicated—but offers more robust results.
The ‘standard event’ is the optional event that’s added into your base pixel code.
These standard events may only be placed on specific pages and not every single page with your basic code. Pages that are tracked with the standard events are those where you can track specific user behaviour rather than general conversion metrics.
Together with your base Facebook pixel code, you’ll have slightly modified versions of those pixels if you include the standard event code. The main purpose behind these standard events is to provide more dynamic data to Facebook.
Since you are modifying the Facebook data to only deliver specific data on select pages, you can add data to the code based on visitors’ expected action.
If you want more information on social media for b2b have a read of our quick guide.