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5 SEO tasks you must do now

April 18, 2018

The 4th month of the year is past and gone, and what have you achieved for your website? If not much, don’t despair. We spend so much time focusing on our clients (they pay us to do this, so we kinda have to) that we forget to look at our own website. If this is your case or if you’re just looking for an SEO checklist, you have came to the right place. Buckle up, kids:


  1. Define your focus keywords and work on them- this is the holy grail of SEO. Your focus keywords are the ones you should be aiming to rank for. Monitoring their performance helps understand how well your efforts are succeeding and what keywords need a bit more love. We use SemRush to help us keep an eye on this.
  2. Duplicate content is a big NO- this is a huge problem in the eyes of Google and your website will be penalised for it. You can either remediate the damage by creating unique content or if pages are pretty similar for a reason, use canonical tags to let Google now which pages can be seen as the same. Either way, get on it!
  3. Avoid keyword over-optimisation- contrary to popular believe keywords stuffing isn’t the way to go in order to get your website found. Google is smarter than that, and will spot you from a mile off. In order to have good content optimisation, we suggest using your keywords strategically in your title tags, headings, URL, image alt descriptions and in the meta description but don’t overdo it. Be natural!
  4. Blog your heart away- ideally your blog has fresh and interesting content posted regularly, so you stay on top in SERPs and help drive visitors to your website with content that provides real value for your target market. Whatever the industry you’re in, this is one of the easiest ways to improve your SEO. There will always be unanswered questions that your target market needs, so be the one to answer them with insightful blogs and content.
  5. Mobile-optimised websites- This is getting more and more relevant. As you may be aware, Google has launched a new mobile-first indexing. SO hop on the mobile game, if you want to make sure your website is ranking but also this means your visitors will have a better experience. There's no downside!  And if you’re still not convinced, you should know that 4 out of 5 consumers shop on smartphones and we are now seeing clients with over 70% of their traffic coming from mobiles.

If you’d like to find out more about our services of SEO in Bristol, reach us out at SpiderDigital, we can provide you with a free marketing consultation where we go over your website and use our software to understand how you can benefit from SEO. You can call us on 0117 933 0570 or fill in our contact form and we will be in touch.